Ligandrol or LGD-4033 is a very popular SARM; it exhibits a selective androgen binding capacity, ensuring a high androgenic/anabolic effect for the muscles - like anabolic steroids, however, without the side effects of anabolics.
LGD-4033 promotes muscle strength and significantly increases the growth of skeletal muscle tissues.
There are plenty of immediate and significant benefits when using Ligandrol. In fact, some become almost immediately apparent.
Nevertheless, some of the most visible and most important benefits of its use (especially for bodybuilding & sports) are shown below:
LGD-4033 (Ligandrol) – Types of cycles
Muscle building cycle (Bulking cycle)
As shown above, LGD-4033 (Ligandrol) is a basic selection of bodybuilders for rebuilding muscle mass.
A cycle - on average - lasts about 8 weeks, and from the very first 4 weeks of use, the results on the user's endurance levels are completely evident.
Nevertheless, LGD-4033 (Ligandrol) is not only used as a means of rebuilding lean muscle mass, but also as a means of maintaining existing muscle mass.
Within 4 weeks, the results are visible, while this cycle continues for more than 4 weeks.
Body fat-burning cycle (Cutting cycle)
Ligandrol is a SARM that - despite being "very popular" mainly for its bulking effects - can be used for muscle rebuilding (bulking) and for targeted fat burning (cutting), as well.
For best results experienced users use LGD-4033 (Ligandrol) in cycles with other SARMs to achieve optimal metabolic stimulation and fat burning in the body.
Common SARMs that LGD-4033 (Ligandrol) is stacked with are Cardarine, Stenabolic or Andarine.
As the product is administered in a stack with other chemicals, it should be used in the minimum dose and the shortest cycle time.
This means: