Aug.2023 03
Views: 302

The use of testosterone cyclopentopropionate

The use of testosterone cyclopentopropionate

In the treatment of low testosterone levels, the prescribing guidelines for testosterone cyclopentopropionate call for doses of 50-400mg every two to four weeks. Despite longer in vivo activity, weekly injections of testosterone cyclopentopropionate are usually required to achieve muscle growth or improved athletic performance. The usual dose is 200 to 600mg per week in a 6 to 12 week cycle. This level is enough for most people to notice a significant increase in muscle size and strength. While large doses are not generally recommended, some bodybuilders are known to use very large doses of testosterone cyclopentopropionate (1,000mg or more per week). This was more common before the 1990s, when the price of testosterone cyclopenopropionate was generally very cheap and easy to find compared to today. At doses of 800-1000mg or more per week, water storage may account for more of the extra weight gain than new muscle tissue. The practice of "large doses" is inefficient (not to mention potentially dangerous), especially when we consider the current high price of solid alcohols.

Testosterone cyclopentopropionate is used in women

Testosterone cyclopentopropionate is rarely used by women in clinical medicine. When applied, it is usually used as a secondary drug during inoperable breast cancer, when other therapies have failed to produce the desired effect and need to suppress ovarian function. Due to its strong androgenicity, tendency to produce masculine side effects and characteristics of slow action (making blood water level difficult to control), testosterone cyclopentopropionate is not recommended for women.